What is whois.nettools.cz

whois.nettools.cz is a service that searches for information about objects on the internet

whois.nettools.cz searches and displays information about domains, IP addresses, autonomous systems, internet hosts, and other objects in whois databases; it then combines this retrieved information with additional data obtained through other methods.

The whois.nettools.cz service was created as an indirect successor to the whois.smartweb.cz service, whose operation has already been terminated. Both of these services are connected by the author, Michal Kouďa. The whois.nettools.cz service was designed to offer a modern solution for the needs of searching for information about all internet objects.

Although the whois.nettools.cz service does not technically originate from whois.smartweb.cz, it provides similar functionality and introduces a new way of searching for information about objects on the internet, thereby achieving the same or better results than whois.smartweb.cz. The technical implementation of whois.nettools.cz differs significantly from whois.smartweb.cz; however, for users who previously used whois.smartweb.cz, using whois.nettools.cz is intuitive, and the results obtained have the same or higher level of quality.